Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Christmas 2012 quilts

Brenda & Jim's 10th Anniversary Quilt
Pattern:  Garden Trellis
Fabric: Moda Morris & Company
Kian's Skateboard Quilt made of primary
colors in red, blue, yellow and black.  It is a disappearing
nine patch quilt.  I also made a pillow sham with a
guitar applique for Kian's interest in music.

John's Super Guys Disappearing Nine Patch. John Keegan, my
youngest grandchild was three years old when I made
this quilt for him.  He was so excited, he wrapped up in it and
wound up taking a nap under it right away.

A quilt made for the Utah Police Association
out of different star blocks I made while
 visiting a blog hop early in February 2013.

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